Day 10 #100horsesbyroxanne

I can't believe its day 10 of the project already. Time flies when you're having fun 😎

I've always struggled with drawing the horse's head from the front. I either get the nose too short or too long, too wide or too narrow and it takes me forever to get it right. By using the measuring process from day eight I figured this project would be a great opportunity for me to keep practicing. 

I've realised that whilst using this method of drawing a box and dividing the horse's head up into sections is really helpful and offers a great rough guide, it doesn't necessarily mean the proportions will be spot on. You do have to put in the leg work to get it right. After all it depends on what breed the horse is and what age, and like humans, they're all uniquely different.

I can already see that I have the ears way too small on the horse on the left and the face is a little too short and narrow. He looks more like a foal than a fully grown horse at the moment. The muzzle on the horse on the right is also too wide and needs tapering off a little.

Over the last ten days I feel like I'm gradually becoming more confident in drawing the front of the horse's head. I'm beginning to recognise when I need to change things in my drawings and what needs to be changed. I feel like I'm improving each day 😊

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