Day 8 #100horsesbyroxanne

This may look like a simple linear drawing of a horse's head, plain and simple. However, this has taken me the best part of two hours trying to figure it out.  Looking online and through my books there doesn't appear to be a simple, well explained 'how to', to help artists to work out the rough proportions of a horse's head. If anyone finds one then please do let me know 😊.

I found this drawing extremely frustrating, perhaps this is why I usually draw by eye? I've always found the technical measuring aspects of drawing or anything at all to do with maths, laborious and really confusing at times. However, I know that trying to grasp the rough basics of proportion now is going to help me in the long run with both my life drawing and work done in the studio. 

Although it tested my patience today, I can definitely see a difference between this drawing and the one from life I did yesterday. I could see that there was something not right with the dimensions of the head from yesterday. The eyes were too far up and the nose was far too short and small. It's quite amazing what a bit of maths can do to help guide a drawing in the right direction 💪.

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