Day 26 #100horsesbyroxanne

Blind terror drove me on, with my flying stirrups whipping me into a frenzy. With no rider to carry I reached the kneeling riflemen first and they scattered as I came upon them.”
― Michael Morpurgo, War Horse.

If you've not seen the play, War Horse, based on the book by Michael Morpurgo, then I highly recommend you do after we're finally clear of this pandemic. In my opinion it's a hundred times better than the film and this quote springs to mind when I look at today's drawing.

I'm still studying the horse's head but as well as researching and depicting the anatomy I've also been looking at the horse's head from a variety of angles as this is going to help me greatly with my personal work, giving me the skills and confidence needed for me to portray the horse in my own unique way. I'm now also beginning to look at the many expressions of a horse's face which will also add a spark of excitement and diversity to my work. 

This one is graphite on cartridge paper and using an eraser for the highlights again. I think the horse's face could've done with being a little longer perhaps 🤔 I need to get into the habit of really checking the proportions of all my drawings before I even start on the shading to save time adjusting anything afterwards when it's too late.

After I've exhausted my exploration of the horse's head I'll be starting to observe the horse's entire body 😱 and will perhaps begin to introduce other materials such as ink and acrylic.  

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