Day 5 #100horsesbyroxanne
Continuing with the theme of the horse's head I now want to start observing and recording it from a variety of angles. If for any reason in the future I haven't got a reference of a horse to hand or I'm drawing them from life, studying it from different positions and remembering where everything's supposed to be, will help me massively. Over the past few days I've depicted the head from the side, now it's the front view.
I've measured the proportions by eye for this one. I hope to learn some more technical techniques, as I did with yesterday's, to enable me to work more accurately when working quicker, especially when I'm out drawing the horses in the field. I can then compare just how precise (or not precise) my drawn by eye one is next to the technically measured one. It should be interesting to see the results.
Again, keeping it relatively simple for now, I've used acrylic paint in Burnt Umber, Black and White on gessoed watercolour paper. I've also used charcoal and pastel and have used various tools to scratch back into the surface to create texture. I do feel there is a bit too much of the same texture in this and perhaps needs to have some contrasts in there, maybe some quiet, calm areas of paint. Seeing as this is more about the anatomy and proportions of the subject at this stage, I'm not too fussed about the technicalities of the paint at present. However, I believe it is good practice to recognise what could be changed or added to enhance or improve a piece of work and act on it at a later date and on a different piece of work.