Day 72 #100horsesbyroxanne
Today is almost the same as yesterday's drawing except that this is of the superficial muscles from the back of the horse.
By doing these anatomical drawings my aim isn't to remember the names of each and every muscle but is to know roughly where the muscles are located. Alongside my drawings, behind the scenes, I've also been doing some additional reading to learn briefly about what each of the superficial muscles do.
Again, I've used graphite pencil and coloured pencil here and have numbered each of the muscles. The names on the list below coincide with those on the drawing. Each time I've used coloured pencils for this project I've noticed just how lovely they are to use and how much I've actually missed playing with them. The more drawings I'm doing in this media, the more I'm also recognising how much I'm starting to mix the colours like I used to all those years ago. I may start working with them more frequently again 🤔
I'm not sure how many more anatomical drawings I'll be doing over the remaining days of the project. I'm pretty sure I've covered all areas that I was hoping to. Over the coming weeks my intention is to continue to apply the things I've learnt into my work.
Many thanks again to Gillian Higgins at Horses Inside Out for permission to use another one of her amazing photos for today's drawing.