Day 73 #100horsesbyroxanne
On Day 12 of the project I did the well known exercise of drawing with my non-dominant hand. This can be a useful strategy for loosening up and is a great exercise for the brain. I decided to give it another go today but this time depicting the entire body instead of just the head. I've drawn the same horse for each drawing. By drawing the same image over and over again I find it helps get me used to observing that particular pose and lodges it into my brain. I've also used different media for each. The first one (above) is willow charcoal, the second I used a 2B Staedtler Mars Black pencil together with a Derwent Onyx dark pencil, the third one was with a pure 6B Graphite block and the fourth drawing was done using a pastel block in terracotta. I adore the gestural marks created when doing these kinds of exercises.
While the researching and recording of the basic anatomy of the horse has been extremely insightful for me, I now wish to move the focus away from this, taking with me the technical knowledge I've gained, and begin looking a little more into mark making, different materials and new techniques to enable me to express the horse in my own personal, unique way.