Day 78 #100horsesbyroxanne

Continuing on with these fast sketches today I wanted to see how it'd feel to have a change of media, so instead I used sepia drawing ink and applied it with a flat, medium, hog hair brush which is usually used with oil paints. A softer brush would've lent itself more to ink but I like to try different things to see the effects they create so opted for the stiffer bristles instead, plus I really like scratchy textures so it suited me fine. It was a brush with a long handle so I could hold it loosely at the end which allowed my wrist to loosen up as I drew. I also stood up again at my easel with the A2 cartridge paper taped to a board. In the past I've tried working with the board and paper on the floor but I prefer standing as you can really stand back to assess what you're doing AND your back doesn't hurt so much 👍 

The sepia ink was some old ink I had left over from university. It's in a plain tub so I have no idea what the make is but usually I'd use either Daler Rowney acrylic inks or Winsor and Newton drawing inks. However, I tend to just use whatever I've got to hand at the time. If you haven't got any ink you can even use coffee or tea to draw with especially if you're just experimenting. 

I watered the ink down quite a bit to make it go a little further. Because I was using a stiff brush it was holding it quite well and didn't drip as much as if I was using a softer brush. I do love the drips though so perhaps next time I'll try changing the type of brush to see how that feels.

For experimental purposes I just drew onto cartridge paper to get the feel for the ink. Ideally when you're using wet media you should prepare the paper to suit. Next time I'll use stretched watercolour paper to stop the surface from buckling when water is applied. 

I set my timer for 2 minutes for each of these three drawings. 

Second drawing

Sepia ink sketch of a horse jumping.


Third drawing

Sepia ink sketch of a horse jumping.

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